SDSS Data Access

Physics R

How to get hold of data from the SDSS astronomical catalogue.


When it comes to astronomical catalogues, SDSS was without peer for many years. We used it routinely for our work on differential photometry, and developed ways of accessing SDSS data directly to R. This post is really just a reminder-to-self, so that next time I need to get my SDSS data I won’t need to scrabble around looking for old scripts.

The packages needed are tidyverse (of course), RCurl, and glue.

N <- 5 # makes a table of 5 star targets
# we'll just get the spectrum from the first one
# delta <- 0.1 # 
bands_min <- 15 # this places an upper limit on the brightness of the star
bands_max <- 20 # this places an lower limit on the brightness of the star
# fainter stars have noisy spectra
# SQL that downloads some info on the chosen target from SDSS.
# ObjID from SDSS specifies the target

master_target_SqlQuery <- glue("SELECT top {N} p.ra, p.dec, ",
                       "p.u, p.g, p.r, p.i, p.z, p.objid, ", 
                       "s.specobjid, s.class, s.subclass, s.survey, ", 
                       "s.plate, s.mjd, s.fiberid ", 
                       "FROM photoObj AS p ", 
                       "JOIN SpecObj AS s ON s.bestobjid = p.objid ",
                       "WHERE p.g BETWEEN {bands_min} AND {bands_max} ",
                       "AND p.r BETWEEN {bands_min} AND {bands_max} ", 
                       "AND p.i BETWEEN {bands_min} AND {bands_max} ", 
                       "AND s.class = 'STAR' ",
                       "AND s.survey != 'eboss'" )
# downloads target data
# dataframe master_targets has necessary info
master_target_SqlQuery <- str_squish(master_target_SqlQuery)
urlBase <- ""
X <- getForm(urlBase, cmd = master_target_SqlQuery, format = "csv")
master_targets <- read.table(text = X, header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".", comment.char = "#")

ra dec u g r i z objid specobjid subclass plate mjd fiberid
167.0870 26.15828 16.51 15.64 15.38 15.28 15.27 1237667430104694784 7220539695150946304 F0IV (81937) 6413 56336 522
167.0042 26.44916 19.31 18.40 18.14 18.04 18.02 1237667323249950976 7220550140511410176 F3/F5V (30743) 6413 56336 560
167.3888 25.94575 20.15 19.57 19.37 19.28 19.25 1237667429567955200 7220550690267224064 CV 6413 56336 562
167.4996 26.31292 15.61 15.67 15.96 16.22 16.47 1237667430104891392 7220551240023037952 O8e (188001) 6413 56336 564
167.7413 26.13576 19.60 18.68 18.35 18.28 18.21 1237667322713341952 7220564434162571264 F3/F5V (30743) 6413 56336 612

There are times when the SDSS data server is down. In this case, expect to see an error message like - “Error: InternalServerError”.

Now that we have the plate, mjd, and fiberid for some stars, we can go ahead and download their spectra.

index <- 1 # uses first star from list
get_spectrum <- function(object, wavelength_lower_limit = 5500, wavelength_upper_limit = 7000){
  plate <- object$plate
  mjd <- object$mjd
  fiber <- object$fiberid
  url_spect <- glue("{plate}", 
  spectrum <- read_csv(file = url_spect)
  spectrum %>% 
    filter(between(Wavelength, wavelength_lower_limit, wavelength_upper_limit)) %>% 
    select(Wavelength, BestFit)
spect1 <- get_spectrum(master_targets[index,], 
                       wavelength_lower_limit = 3500, 
                       wavelength_upper_limit = 8000)

This gives a dataframe with wavelength and intensity. Let’s plot this

The spectrum from sdss is shown below, and can be seen here

SDSS Spectrum RA = 167.0869741, Dec = 26.1582751

The SDSS image of the star itself is given here

Full code is available from github.

Note, for some reason the SDSS objid returned from the SQL query is incorrect. I’m still trying to figure out why and to fix this.

Update, the following is an ugly workaround on the objid issue. Haven’t verified that it always works yet.

radial_url_root <- ""
radial_url_core <- glue("SELECT top {N} p.ra, p.dec, ",
                        "p.u, p.g, p.r, p.i, p.z, p.objid, ", 
                        "s.specobjid, s.class, s.subclass, s.survey, ", 
                        "s.plate, s.mjd, s.fiberid ", 
                        "FROM photoObj AS p ", 
                        "JOIN SpecObj AS s ON s.bestobjid = p.objid ",
                        "WHERE p.g BETWEEN {bands_min} AND {bands_max} ",
                        "AND p.r BETWEEN {bands_min} AND {bands_max} ", 
                        "AND p.i BETWEEN {bands_min} AND {bands_max} ", 
                        "AND s.class = 'STAR' ",
                        "AND s.survey != 'eboss'" ) %>% 
  str_replace_all(" ", "%20") %>% 
  str_replace_all("\n", "")
w <- rvest::read_html(glue::glue(radial_url_root, radial_url_core, "&format=csv"))
X <- as_list(w)$html$body$p[[1]] %>% 
  as.character() %>% 
master_targets <- read.table(text = X, header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".", comment.char = "#") %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 2),
         objid = as.character(objid),
         specobjid = as.character(specobjid))
master_targets$objid # check the top one to see if this works


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

Eugene (2021, Dec. 16). Euge: SDSS Data Access. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Eugene, },
  title = {Euge: SDSS Data Access},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}